Carrying on with the importance of having (and actually using) a nice breathing technique during your singing, we’ve got to focus more on how the shoulders should be held in…
Dzień: 19 września 2016
What is middle voice or middle register?
As you might already know, the human voice has a very specific definition of vocal ranges it can reach. This means, that you might be wondering what exactly a middle…
Sing Songs That are Within Your Comfort Zone (Range)
So, as we’ve been discussing the difference between miscellaneous vocal ranges that different singers can cover, the next topic emerges – namely tips on determining what your perfect vocal range…
Warming up Before a Concert
So, you’re about to give a live performance, but suddenly you begin to fear that your voice will not be good enough, you start to cough, panic and… This is…
Singing is Speaking on Assigned Pitches
As one vocal trainer once put it “Singing is Speaking on Assigned Pitches”. So just like with talking, singing for a newbie requires a similar pattern for success. Namely, that…
More Shouting!
Well, the growling fans who love the idiosyncratic death metal music may well ignore this one. But actually, starting to change from singing to shouting right in the middle of…
A New LP Album Preview
With the band’s 10th anniversary just around the corner, you know what else is? Yep, we’re talking about a release of our new long-play music album, which is to become…